Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sunny California

I am in sunny California right now, but why is it that I have hardly seen the light of day since I have been here? Is this just my fate as a software engineer to never see the sun and wear translucent skin for the rest of my life?

When I am travelling (on business) I work three times as much as I do when I am at home in the office. It could be that I have nothing better to do so I just work when I am on the road, but whatever the reason my company is definitely getting their money's worth when I am on the road. That is saying something lately. I will post where my travels have taken me in 2005 soon, and I will start a travel log for 2006 as well.

If the training and meetings continue to go as they have for the last couple of days, my trip to California will be a little less than sunny. At least the golf courses are open here, if I ever get to see one...

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