For example at what seemed to be a decent eating establishment was posted this sign:

Now who in their right mind is really going to want to eat there? Is this a dare to see if I am man enough for the challenge? I guess when I am 60 and get cancer I will know who to blame.
Knight Rider
You gotta feel sorry for this guy. He used to be the definition of cool. Knight Rider was awesome, second only to Airwolf (but that is another story). What happend? Now he looks like Ricky Martin with White Man Rhythm. And what is with the Inuit winter apparel? Is it hard to keep your balance when you fly? Why were his visual stunts filmed before E.T.? At least in E.T. I thought they were flying when I was 8. That flying wouldn't fool a kid watching out of the corner of their eye and playing with a Rubik's cube.
Those fine visuals kept me going today. Hope they brightened yours.
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